Peppermint Halo Hypnotherapy
Come alive again
Think of hypnotherapy as the key hole surgery for mental recovery: together, we can uncover elements of your subconscious and get to the heart of a problem.

“Self-trust is the first secret of success.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Meet Peppermint Halo Hypnotherapy
Start A New Chapter
As an experienced hypnosis practitioner I work with you, empowering you with the clinical help and the tools you need to reach your goals. Be it an addiction or trauma you’re struggling with, or a new milestone you want to achieve, you’ll notice a difference after only a few sessions. Reach out today for more information or to set up an appointment.
So many relationships - be they romantic, family, friendships or even work - flounder because of poor boundary choices. Together we can shine a spotlight on the underlying causes and then nurture them for healthy growth.

Weight Management
Some people struggle with their relationship with food - be that over-eating, emotional eating or restricting intake. By isolating the original cause or trauma which has led you to this point, we can reset your relationship with food into something healthy and nourishing.
Fears & Phobias
Your body has a protection mechanism to keep you safe. But sometimes, we can get out of kilter and need to realign our reactions.

Stop Smoking
We all know the health benefits of giving up, but it's such a hard addiction to kick. Working with "egostate technique", we can achieve tangible results for you.

Self Esteem
We all know that loving ourselves is the first step to accepting love from others - and yet, it's so hard! I can offer a therapeutic solution to start you on your life-long path of self-discovery.
No, but really... how are you?
Do you feel like you need more protection? Direction? Empowerment? Nurturing?
Hypnotherapy encourages and enables you to resolve the barriers holding you back from achieving everything you feel you can.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will you make me do something which makes me feel uncomfortable?
Absolutely not. This is not the hypnosis of TV where people make involuntary chicken noises. This is a proven therapeutic psychodynamic process, where you are always in control.
What does hypnosis feel like?
Think of hypnotherapy as guided relaxation, involving focussed concentration. This results in a heightened state of awareness which you may have heard described as a trance. Focussing your attention with my professional guidance, you will find that background sounds are blocked and allow you to concentrate fully on the moment.
How is Hypnotherapy different to other Counselling therapies?
Creative Analytical Hypnotherapy uses the hypnotic state to access feelings, thoughts and memories which have often been buried deep in your subconscious.
Using psychotherapeutic techniques whilst you are in this hypnotic state enables you to perceive things differently, such as allowing a relaxed birth.
Many talking therapies address you in your current conscious state, with all your filters, walls and boundaries between you and recovery.